4 Reasons to Slow Down and Breathe

Slow-Down-and-Breathe-Future-Proof-MovementBreathing is an involuntary action that you do all the time, and you’re probably not aware it’s happening. But this automatic process has a significant amount of power over our health, emotions, and stress level. It’s easy to forget that you’re doing it at all. But then, something unexpected or stressful happens, and you unknowingly react by shortening your breath.

This change in your breathing can set off a full-blown stress response in your body. However, slowing down and taking deep, meaningful breaths can help with controlling stress, anger, and other negative emotions.

The next time you’re feeling stressed, pressured, or upset, here are a few reasons to slow down and take some deep breaths:

1. It decreases blood pressure.

When you’re stressed, your blood pressure tends to rise, leading to tightness in your muscles. Deep breaths slowly lower your blood pressure and relax your muscles.

2. You regain control.

When you’re upset, your breaths become short or hitched. Taking control by purposefully controlling your breath slows this process down and allows you to regain control.

3. You improve your posture.

As you practice your deep breathing, you’ll notice yourself starting to sit upright to open your airway. This act extends beyond your breathing practices and tends to overflow into daily life.

4. You gain mental clarity.

As deep breathing is a form of meditation, it naturally leads to a higher state of mental clarity. Taking a moment each day to focus on your breathing clears your mind, and the more you practice, the easier it becomes.

When you’re feeling pushed to your limits, remember to take a moment and focus on the breath.

Future Proof Movement in Boulder is here to support you on your fitness journey. When you train with us, you get a knowledgeable team dedicated to your success. To learn more about how to get started, check out our special offers or contact us today.

By |2020-05-15T00:38:04+00:00December 27th, 2019|Blog|0 Comments

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